
House & Land Harmonisation

Dowsing is a type of divination. Some people use dowsing rods or a simple pendulum whilst others prefer tarot cards, the runes, crystal balls … It is generally considered the dowsing implement responds to the user’s ‘accidental or involuntary movements and unconscious thoughts’.

A dowser is someone who has the ability to surrender their ego or let go. Dowsers are often considered to enter a trance like state. Some have other psychic abilities.

I mostly use a pendulum and the runes for my divination work. These tools make it possible to dowse a map or floor plan, human or animal, to gain information. This may relate to the forces in your home or place of work – electromagnetic fields, underground water courses, place memories, environmental danger/safety cues – possible food intolerances, mineral deficiencies or maybe the need for nutritional supplements.

Whilst the runes give me the basic details of a story, a beginning, middle and end. They help find a trapped emotive experience – your own or an ancestor’s – and tell me in which level of consciousness, or aura, it is located.

Case studies

A woman had sudden bouts of extreme tiredness. I dowsed for food intolerance and a likely cause came up.  She experimented with excluding different foods from her diet and is now feeling much better.

A woman leasing some land asked me to undertake dowsing work. Strange illnesses were happening to her animals. It turned out a human made thought form was stuck at that location. It was an angry man who was cruel to animals. This was cleared and the animals slowly returned to full health.

A man asked me to undertake some dowsing work in his mobile home. I located a small power object he had purchased overseas which was adversely affecting his energies. He was left with the choice; to remove the object or to keep it.

The owner of a terraced house asked me to undertake some dowsing work. I dowsed my checklist of over 20 items and the result came up completely clear. This is very unusual so I checked with my dowsing supervisor. He confirmed the result.

My background

I studied an apprenticeship-type course in divination, healing and magic for over three years to become competent in diagnostic work. During that time, I was taught to use the runes as my primary divinatory tool. More recently, I have completed courses in home and place healing, dowsing for health and ancestral healing.

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