As Westerners most of us pay little attention to our ancestors although some of us have built our family tree and others know the ancestors can be healed for the benefit of those who have passed, the present family and those yet to be born. All families carry some difficult energetic patterns that are passed down through the DNA and genetic make-up whilst a few of us are blighted by trans-generational trauma, ‘dark secrets’, or a curse.
In practice, the three previous generations are most important to us, that is fourteen individuals. It is possible the results of these people – our parents, grandparents and great grandparents – unresolved karma or past actions are passed down the lineage. In other words, you bear the consequences. When the required healing – physical, emotional, mental or spiritual – is done there will be a shift in our circumstances.
A good question to start with is, ‘which of my unwell ancestors is affecting me most?’
One of my stories reads like this. A male ancestor sustained an injury whilst working as a factory manager. Afterwards, he and his family, had to live off the Parish. Ancestral healing work identified a curse, placed on him by a jealous employee. This was lifted or healed. The energetic pattern, of being comfortably off and then poor through a challenging circumstance or interference of a staff member or employee, which had passed to select individuals down the generations, was now resolved.
A lot of people are healers. To gain competence in this kind of ancestral and energetic healing work I qualified as a shamanic practitioner. During that time, I was taught different healing techniques. More recently, I have completed courses in home and place healing, dowsing for health and ancestral healing.