We carry an unconscious map of reality within us. It exists as a contract or memory in the bio-field and is a repetitive and non-emergent process which claims the ‘present’. When integration occurs, it allows magic and synchronicities to enter our life.
Often, I can sense the energetic points in a story. For me, there is a pause, change of intonation or the tone in your voice alters. Further questions, hands-on-healing, dowsing, co-regulation, symbols – birds and animals – and the installation of colour help me to connect with this stuck emotion, re-enactment or memory of a collective crisis. This work helps me to tap into a process hidden beneath the surface of your awareness when your body accepts the messages communicated me and through a process of ritual, symbols, imagery and sound to release what no longer serves.
Ancestral example: A middle-aged woman asked me to work with her story. Her answers to my questions revealed issues around how she sought love and attention within the family matrix. When she understood the pattern, the woman was able to take control and change her stuck response. She took on a different and far more productive role within the family.