
A Dowser, Healer and Author who Explores ways to transform trauma

We all need to resolve areas of ‘stuckness’ or frozen trauma—individual, ancestral, and collective—so they can update and evolve!

Sin-eater – a memoir and legacy document

To read six hand-picked stories subscribe to my free newsletter – Sin-eater! To find it please scroll down the page.

Stories, set in the individual, ancestral and collective unconscious, which investigate how frozen ancestral patterns have surfaced in one family’s lineages.

Albert Einstein

“I know very well that many scientists consider dowsing as they do astrology, as a type of ancient superstition. According to my conviction, this is unjustified. The dowsing rod is a simple instrument that shows the uncanny reaction of the human nervous system to certain factors which are unknown to us at this time.”

Author Back Catalogue

The Journey So Far

Two White Feathers and a handful of Rocks

Book One

Jenny’s account of her South and Central American pilgrimage includes descriptions of healings to help overcome childhood trauma.

Apu suddenly said, ‘When I look at you, I see someone who fluctuates between a beautiful and powerful woman and a young child.’

Enchanted Beings

Book Two

Jenny interviews eight extraordinary people to explore the dynamics of ‘real’ change using immersive experiences.

‘On my quest for knowledge I found answers to hidden problems, and sudden changes and closures occurred. It was not easy.’


Book Three

Jenny investigates each of the astrological signs and giant effigies of the Glastonbury Zodiac and her own story around grief and loss emerges.

‘Beheading, like that of the Green Knight, is a time when severance enters our life – when the hypnotic trance of our conditioning is incised.’

My Services

The ways I can help


Would some dowsing with your parents, grandparents and great-grandparents help heal a difficult family pattern?


Could you benefit from a hands-on-healing session to help integrate an emotional experience?


Are you curious about another person’s journey through early childhood trauma?

More About the Author

Jenny Chapman dowser, healer and author travels the ghost roads of the individual, ancestral and collective unconscious.

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